Saturday, February 21, 2009

Trust - Sunday Scribblings #151

Funny how this word keeps on coming up for me.

Peeling some really deep layers - our last restaurant in L.A., a sushi place with no menu - just huge signs - DO YOU TRUST ME?

This week in L.A. has been about TRUSTing myself to hear my own voice - in the simple things as being a co-pilot and reading the map and keeping our bearings - TRUSTing that I am not lost, TRUSTing that I know the way and TRUSTing in my own GPS - Goddess Protection Services.

TRUSTing my partner - to pilot us through and be a team player. TRUSTing that he will be a great Dad when the time is right. TRUSTing in his love and respect for me to get us through whatever communication hurdles we still face.

TRUSTing that I can handle it - whatever IT may be. TRUSTing that I can deal with whatever the Universe puts in my path. TRUSTing that I am strong and disciplined and AWARE.

TRUSTing that what I need will come to me when needed. TRUSTing that help will appear when I ask for it. TRUSTing that this Universe is a friendly and wonderful place to live in. TRUSTing that there is a gift in every situation that is presented to me.

TRUSTing myself to look for the "signs" in KO-inkidinks. TRUSTing that I can open my heart and share of myself. TRUSTing that I can breathe and SHOW up in any situation. TRUSTing that I am enough.

Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,


Tumblewords: said...

Lovely words and thoughts. Trust is a wonderful thing, generally! But trust in oneself surely aces the others. Nice work!

Donna said...

This was Lovely!...and SO true!

floreta said...

this was a great read!