Friday, September 26, 2008

Rollercoaster of Life

This last month has been like a blur - came back from North Carolina and it took me 5 days to adjust and center and reTURN to the world I had left behind.  I tried to jump right back into my exercise routines:  walking and Yoga and Pilates.

I love, love, love YOGA!!! I love seeing how strong my body is - how I can twist and turn and hold my body in positions I never thought I could.  Doing a handstand against the wall, I did not focus on my hands and bent my pillars of support and came crashing down.  And of course, I kept on going like it did not happen.  

However, a huge bruise on my backside left me reeling.  The picture above is two days after the fall and the one below is three days later.  

Now, I know that my JOB is to show up. Whatever and wherever I am committed to, no matter what I feel internally, it is my job to show up.  That night at Laughter Yoga, Goddess Sergi from the Sun Sentinel showed up.  She attended our class and interviewed the members of our circle.  We had a lovely session and although we laughed and created powerful love and light in our corner of the Universe, I felt a little depleted and drained.  The next day, I could barely function.  The New Moon leaving me weak and sleepy.  Barely functioning - just getting by - ODAAT - one day at a time.  One foot in front of the other.  Feeling empty and broken.  Feeling sad.

I realize how the Universe gives me gentle life lessons when I fall out of balance (tee hee!!!). Some people need accidents and drama.  I just need a little tenderness and swelling to make me turn within and see what is out of sorts.

And it's this same LIFE LESSON about going slow, taking my time, being present in the moment rather than trying to rush through life to catch up.  Catch up to what?  My mind can tell you a long list of TO-DO's that it thinks needed to be done yesterday.  Tee hee!!!

However, this reMINDer is about PRIORITIES.  Slowing down - spending time with the Meows and GingerMama after being away for four days.  Allowing my body to decompress and let go of the experiences and people I met and settle down to my home pace before plunging into my activities and busy-ness.

I am listening OH Universe - I am listening to all of the messages my body has for me.

And of course, the gift for showing up - a fabulous article by Goddess Sergi in the Sun Sentinel Community section and some fantastic photos.  Tee hee!!!  That's me doing some Argument laughter.

I slept and swam the whole weekend, never turned on my computer, hung out with the little PEEPS and healed myself back to a new state of normal.  or not.  

Life is good and like a roller coaster.  Sometimes I'm up and sometimes I'm down.  And then I pick myself up and start dancing again!!!

1 comment:

linda may said...

You always make me smile when I see your comments on my blog and you call me Goddess Linda. Thank you.
Boy is that a great bruise, a multi coloured bum! He he. It is usually my inner thigh that I bruise like that while trying to climb up on a cupboard or something trying to clean .
I love you quirks.
Thanks for tagging me. I hope you don't mind if I keep it for later though because today I am a bit low. But I will come back to it and share a little bit of me with you.
Love Goddess Linda.