Thursday, August 21, 2008


One of the hardest parts of a relationship is COMMUNICATION.

Lately, Noah and I are learning how to communicate about PARENTING - the art of being response-able for another soul. Not that Ginger Mama needs PARENTING. However, in our household she is still considered a LITTLE PEEP - a soul that needs response-ability in order to survive & thrive in our home.

The communication with GingerMama is divine.  Having read and related to so many things in Cesar Millan's book, my Doggess/Goddess and I are vibing at a new level.   We have transcended, for the most part, verbal directions and prompts.  I am paying attention to her signals and what she needs.  Focusing on what I do want to happen and visualizing it and sending out the energy.  Power vs. Force.  And redirection. Clearly communicating what needs to happen instead of what I don't want.  GingerMama is responding to my calm assertive energy.   It takes a great deal of observation and patience.  However, the rewards of this connection are so AWEsome. 

We've managed to get bathing down to a science. Being that GingerMama's core temperature is so hot, she sweats a lot. And summer here in Florida is not always a treat - fleas, mosquitoes, little green things in the grass that attach to her fur. Once a week, GingerMama likes to be bathed, soaped up with coconut/neem shampoo and brushed down.

We walk four times a day - a major walk in the early morning - 4:44 a.m. - we are out doing "sadhana" with the stars. This is our longest walk of the day. In the stillness and quiet of the world, we explore and sniff together the wonderful scents of the grass, the trees and the streets.  And then we have two shorter walks during the hottest part of the days, some visiting with the neighbors, a little bit of hide and go seek running and plenty of naps.  Ginger Mama also likes to coach me when I swim.  She runs up and down the pool while I do laps, making sure she is at whatever end I am to give me kisses and encouragement.

Yesterday, Noah took over the bathing routine. I was inside swaying to music and washing dishes. And then he knocked on the door. And out of my soapy, yummy, smelly and wet experience I left and entered his world.  And GingerMama and him were not seeing eye to eye and there was some pulling and force applied. And I said something - an unsolicited comment, advice, tips, blah, blah, blah.  And Noah looked me in the eye and said: NO INTERFERENCE.

And he's right. 

I cannot tell him how to do things with GingerMama. She will tell him. He will learn to communicate energetically with him when he is ready and in his own way. In his own style. And yet, I find the comments are so fast on my lips and ready to escape.   So, I take a deep breath. And another one. And one more, for good luck. Tee hee!!!   

There is really NO THING that I need to say. I know he can do it. I know GingerMama will show him the way.  My job is to sit back and let HIM do it for himself, his way, in his own time, in his own manner.   NO INTERFERENCE.

I am so blessed to learn this lesson Meow.   This will be most helpful when we have BABIEs.


the glitzy gypsy said...

Are we ready for a baby---
i have a fertility piece just waiting to be released ---ready to wing it's way to Florida............
but only when you are ready........
(you don't need to post this) just let me know.....

MeowGoddess said...

Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! or maybe two.

Now, if the stars will all line up, ......

I love you Goddess Bliss.

Wishing you,
Peace & Love, Just Because,
Goddess Diana